Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Facts of Chloroform

Chloroform is a clear liquid with an ether-like odor and a slightly sweet taste. It is a chemical that is used to make coolants, as a fumigant for grain, and as a dry cleaning spot remover. However, chloroform can have many negative effects on people. Chloroform can be ingested by breathing it in, eating it, or touching it. Causing people to immediately feel dizzy, tired, and have a headache, chloroform has many negative effects on the human body. In fact, chloroform (in large amounts) has been suspected Linkof causing cancer and damage liver and kidney functions. On top of that, it has been found in the bloodstream of developing babies of pregnant women exposed to it. This is important to know because chloroform is something one should know about so they do not use it in the wrong way. It can be extremely harmful to the body and a general knowledge can help someone take the right steps to preventing chloroform from harming them.

1. http://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/eh/chemfs/fs/chloroform.htm
2. http://www.encyclopedia.com/topic/chloroform.aspx
3. http://chemistry.forumotion.com/t514-chloroforma-few-more-facts
4. http://www.patientsville.com/toxic/chloroform.htm
5. http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/113697/chloroform-CHCl3

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